The Basics of a Fraction Calculator

AS you’ve probably guessed, this website is really devoted to creating calculators. Some of the calculators are very helpful, some are for fun, and many are just random ideas that pop into my head. As stated in my previous post, I’m doing some SEO experimenting with blogs. The most recent experiment is to promote the fraction calculators that I have created. But, before I start really delving into the absolutely non-monotonous world of fraction calculators, I need to review the basics of what is needed to calculate fractions.

Denominators of a Fraction

When you look at a fraction, there are three basic parts. A top number, a bottom number, and that little line that separates them. That bottom number is called a denominator. The denominator is basically the total possible parts available. If we had a cake and cut it into 8 slices, the total possible slices to that cake would be 8. So if we were to right a fraction about that cake, the denominator would be 8.

Numerators in a Fraction

So, now that you know what a denominator is, let’s look at the top number. The top number is the numerator. This number is how many actual parts you have out of the total available. If we look at our cake again, it’s been cut into 8 pieces. If an evil coworker comes by and eats two pieces, that leaves you with 6 pieces. Now you have a total of 6 pieces from the 8 that are possible for a full cake. The 6 pieces would be the numerator and the 8 pieces would be the denominator.

So, when you open the refrigerator at work, you will see that there are only 6 pieces left of the total of 8 pieces that make up a full cake. You now have a fraction of a cake. This would be 6/8Percentage, the Cousin of Fraction

Much like it’s cousin, the percentage, fractions are a numerical way of making a comparison. There are two numbers that are used in a fraction. The top number is the numerator, and the bottom number is the denominator. The numerator is the actual amount and the denominator is the total possible. If you are familiar with percentages, and convert a percentage to a fraction, the denominator would always be 100. A percentage is how many parts out of 100. If you have 25 cents, you have 25% of a dollar, or 25/100 of a dollar.

And that’s the basics of a fraction.

The Basics of a Fraction Calculator

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