With back to school season in full swing, many high school students are working hard to raise their GPA in an effort to make themselves more attractive to college admission officers. Here are three critical pieces of information to understand about averages if you want to raise your GPA and get ahead in school:
Avoid Falling Behind
Once you understand how averages work, it will become clear that it is much easier to maintain a high GPA than to recover one that has tanked.
For this reason, it is imperative that you do not let your GPA drop. Once it reaches a low level, you will not be able to resurrect it back to desired levels. This becomes even more critical the more classes that you put behind you. Because GPA is calculated as an average, it will become harder to raise the GPA with every credit hour you have acquired. If you have fewer credit hours, you can boost your GPA more quickly.
Related: https://gpacalculator.io
Leverage Weighted Grades
A weighted GPA considers the difficulty of the classes you are taking and rewards you for taking on a more challenging schedule. A typical unweighted grading scale will max out at a 4.0, meaning that this is the highest GPA that you can attain. However, a weighted grading scale will award more points to honors or Advanced Placement classes, allowing the student the potential to earn higher than a 4.0. Because a GPA is an average, students can raise their overall GPA by enrolling in classes that carry more weight. This can also make up for a class that the student might not have done as well in by giving extra points for achieving more in a challenging course.
Related: https://www.edglossary.org
Get Ahead Prior to High School
Many school districts offer high-achieving students the opportunity to take high school level classes prior to beginning ninth grade. If your middle school provides this benefit, it is a good idea to harness the power of these classes to boost your GPA. If your school district doesn’t offer this option, then virtual schooling is a great alternative if you want to get ahead as an advanced learner. By entering high school with a few accredited courses on your transcript, you can add to the total number of credits which will increase your overall GPA if you did well in those classes.sses.
Related: https://www.connectionsacademy.com/online-school/choice/virtual-school
With a little preparation and effort to understand how the law of averages work, students can equip themselves with the knowledge necessary to raise their GPA and look to the future with confidence.
If you need help calculating your grades, whether it’s a weighted grade or a normal GPA, then see how we can help!