4 Best College Majors with the Highest ROI

4 Best College Majors with the Highest ROI

When considering a college major, you may be looking to balance selecting a career path you will enjoy with ensuring you will make a good return on your investment. You’ll want to both derive satisfaction from your occupation and live comfortably while paying off your student loans. Here are four college majors that will give you that high ROI you’re looking for.


Engineering covers several specialties, including petroleum engineering, systems engineering, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering and more. The highest paying of these specialties is petroleum engineering. Expect an early career salary of around $96,000. This can increase to $172,000 in mid-career. Across the board, engineers earn an average of $101,000 annually. In addition to being well-paid, many engineers report high satisfaction with their jobs. This is due to feeling as though they are constantly engaged and challenged while solving real-world problems.


A business degree is versatile and can prepare you for a wide variety of careers. Specialties within the business field include finance, marketing, analytics, international business or strategic management. Sales managers can make a median salary of $121,000. Becoming a personal finance advisor can net you $90,000. Financial analysts earn a median of $84,000. If you want to move up in the ranks quicker, continue your education and earn an MBA.


A mathematics degree opens several potential career doors. Those who become actuaries make an average salary of $106,000. You could also become a mathematician, statistician or operations research analyst and get a high return on your investment. As a mathematics major, you can study subjects such as statistics, linear or abstract algebra, calculus and numerical analysis. These subjects will train you to use complex skills that can lead to a lucrative profession.

Computer Science

Computer science majors can expect an average starting salary of $65,000. That can skyrocket for a computer and information systems manager at an average salary of $135,000. Software developers and application developers can expect to break the $100,000 mark as well. Your job prospects with a computer science major are high: computer science is projected to continue to be one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. In the computer science field itself, one of the fastest growing professions is that of information security analyst. This occupation focuses on developing greater security measures in our rapidly changing technological world.

Many fulfilling career opportunities are available to you. If you are looking for a high return on your investment, one of these four college majors would be a great place to start.

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4 Best College Majors with the Highest ROI

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