How Teaching Methods Impact a Students Learning Ability

How Teaching Methods Impact a Students Learning Ability

Educating future generations is perhaps one of the most rewarding jobs on the market. Teachers are on the front-line of schools shaping students into dream-chasing, job-seeking, individuals; it’s no shock that they have a creative nature supporting them in providing quality education. Following are some helpful tools that educators at all levels can use to encourage their students further to put in the effort to reach their goals.

Meeting Your Students in the Middle

Teaching styles can be generalized into two categories: teacher-centered and student-centered. A teacher-centered approach is a traditional style associated with educators of the past. An instructor stands at the front of the room and dictates their lecture to students who blindly absorb the information and use it to pass their tests. Students are seen as “empty vessels” that a teacher needs to fill and nothing more. This approach is swiftly falling by the wayside in favor of s student-centered approach. This technique enlists teachers as facilitators of their students’ educations and allows them to easier bridge the gap between a student’s current knowledge and the information being passed on in lecture. Teachers become coaches for their students and are better able to guide them through making appropriate correlations in their learning.

The Circle of Feedback

One tool that is under-used in education is teacher evaluations. When administered correctly, they can provide valuable feedback from the student on areas that were strong for the teacher and others that need to be improved upon. It can be easy for teachers to get wrapped up in grading assignments and prepping for class, losing sight of the reason they chose education in the first place. Regular and consistent evaluations by those they are trying to teach can provide them with the motivation to stay on track. Acknowledgment of teacher evaluations filled out by students can enhance the bond formed between student and teacher on their journey towards common goals. Afterall, teachers are human too and are just as likely to have errors in the delivery of their work. An attitude of working to correct those errors is what makes the difference between an ordinary teacher and one that inspires students to reach further towards their goals.

As you can see, some of the smallest tweaks in the daily routine of a teacher can make for some of the most significant gains at the end of the day. When educators start seeing their students as the unique individuals they are instead of just another number on a roster; we can make huge leaps in discovering and accomplishing goals together.


How Teaching Methods Impact a Students Learning Ability

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